Black Lives Matter Statement
“Seeking to promote inclusivity in STEM fields because we recognize that there is great strength in diversity”
As an organization committed to the support, advocacy and success of minorities in science, we are saddened by the recent tragedies affecting the Black community. We’ve always strived to empower our students and postdocs and instill change in our departments to support those at the margins. We will continue to use our resources and platform to support and empower our departments and community.
A (non-exhaustive) list of resources from Black voices that will enable us to better engage with each other and show support for the Black community on campus and beyond can be found here. We will continue to populate this document as we locate more resources.
We are here to help all members of AM_WISE in any way we can. If you have suggestions for ways AM_WISE can further support this movement, or additional resources to share with our community, please feel free to reach out to us at .