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In order to reach our goal of fostering a welcoming environment for underrepresented individuals in science and engineering, the WISE executive board has voted to change our name from WISE to Allies for Minorities and Women in Science and Engineering— or AM_WISE. We hope this name will better reflect our intentions for this group to be a place where both women and men, underrepresented individuals or otherwise, come together to support women and underrepresented minorities in science and engineering fields. Thank you for your continued support.

Our Mission:

  • Communicate: Create an atmosphere where members can connect, generate ideas, and share advice with fellow scientists
  • Educate: Learn about the problems caused by the disparity of success between female and male scientists, as well as the inspirational work done by female scientists throughout history
  • Articulate: Discuss ways to solve these problems and encourage each other to achieve our potential as scientists

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